Modern Day Heroes

It’s strange that just 2 months ago, thinking about COVID-19 every minute of every day wasn’t on our radar.  We all had great aspirations for 2020, and now we just can’t wait to get to 2021!  All our lives have changed dramatically, and some of the changes may be permanent moving forward.

I wanted to continue to write for the blog but have been struggling to come up with the right topic.  Do I push a product?  Do I tout Outpak and how we are trying to adapt in this changing economic climate?  Is that considered insensitive?  In the end, I decided we should highlight some people / segments of our industry that are literally putting their lives on the line right now to care for people and keep our economy moving.  I have listed three, but no doubt there are many more.  However, these are the people / industries we deal with the most here at Outpak, and they deserve credit for their efforts.

  1. Healthcare – Obvious number one here, our healthcare peers have been incredible over the last couple of months. People coming out of retirement to help those in need, working long and strenuous hours to save lives.  I am not sure of the current numbers of medical professionals who have been or will be affected by COVID-19, but there’s no doubt that many will suffer for the sake of others.  I hope these people will be praised and celebrated once we get back to normalcy; their efforts should not be forgotten.
  2. Transportation – As someone who spent years in the transportation industry before Outpak, I know how important truck drivers are to the US economy. Now it is more apparent than ever.  The food doesn’t magically appear back on the shelves as the hoarding wipes out your local grocery stores.  The Government was correct; there isn’t a lack of food in the U.S.A. so, nobody should panic.  However, the real concern is replenishment through supply chain.  Would there be anyone to bring it to the stores so business could continue?  This is where the truck drivers have stepped up.  I am sure they are concerned like the rest of us, and the last thing they want to do is leave their family for two weeks while on the road (I wouldn’t).  They are keeping the US economy going right now, and they should be commended for it.
  3. Manufacturing – Very similar situation to trucking mentioned above. We need manufacturing right now to keep the economy going.  These workers continue to step up (in an environment where they must work close to others) and continue to provide products so business can replenish.  This segment of the industry is also struggling with lack of available workforce, so many of them are pushing twice as hard to keep up.  Major props to manufacturing for their sacrifice during challenging times.

We will get through this, and the US economy will become strong once again.  We are a resilient bunch, so I have no doubt that better times are ahead.  I know we will also have a new appreciation for those who made great sacrifices to get us through these difficult times. I hope you keep them in mind right now and thank them when you get the chance.


Matt Millensifer

President – Sales

Outpak Washout LLC

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