1.01 Description

  • A. Work shall consist of furnishing and installing an OUTPAK CORRUGATED CONCRETE WASHOUT in accordance with these specifications and in conformity with the plans.
  • B. Work includes preparing foundation soil, furnishing, and installing leveling pad, washout setup and removal and disposal of washout.
  • A. The washout may be used for concrete, sediment, paint, drywall, stucco, or mortar.

1.02 Submittals/Certification

  • A. Contractor shall submit a Manufacturer’s certification, prior to start of work, that the washout meets the requirements of this specification.
  • B. The washout location should be shown on the Project specific Storm Water Pollution Plan (SWPPP) drawings or Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) drawings.

1.03 Delivery, Storage and Handling

  • A. Contractor shall check all materials upon delivery to assure that the size, type, and quantities have been received.
  • B. Contractor shall protect all materials from damage due to jobsite conditions and in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Damaged materials shall not be incorporated into the work.


2.01 Washout

  • A. The Washout consists of a corrugated box and a 6-mm poly liner.
  • B. The Outpak Corrugated Box is constructed as a single wall, heavy duty wet strength Corrugate with Climaguard. Includes 6-mm polyethylene bag liner.
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2.02 Base

  • A. Material shall consist of a native or imported soil. May also be level asphalt or concrete surface.


3.01 Prepare Level Surface

  • A. Locate level area to deploy. The washout should be located away from storm drains, gutters, or other stormwater conveyances as much as practical.
  • B. Clear area where washout is to be deployed of debris, rocks and other materials that may puncture the corrugated board and 6-mm liner. If rocks or other debris cannot be removed, cover protection with imported sand.

3.02 Set Up Washout

  • A. Locate a level area to deploy the Washout and clear if of any debris that may cause damage.
  • B. Unfold the corrugated box.
  • C. Cover the corrugated box with the enclosed 6-mm polyethylene liner.
  • D. Secure Liner into pinch points at top washout box perimeter.
  • E. Insert tie-down stakes if required (note tie-down stakes are not provided with corrugated washout).
  • F. If a storm is imminent, cover the Outpak Washout with a tarp to prevent overflow of the washout.
  • G. Do not overfill past hash line.

3.03 Dispose Outpak Washout

  • A. After the Washout has been filled with washout residue, allow the wastewater to evaporate leaving only solid concrete residue. Wastewater can be pumped from the washout and disposed of at a facility permitted to receive liquid waste. Alternatively, use Outpak’s Slurry Solution to solidify wastewater.
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  • B. After residue has dried, load the hardened unit onto a flat-bed truck or dump truck with construction equipment such as a forklift or loader. Full, hardened units can be stacked for easy transportation.

3.04 Field Quality Control

  • A. Check washout unit for leaks to ensure wash water is not leaking out of washout.
  • B. Washouts may be used for multiple washout events and concrete placement events. Make sure that that washout has sufficient free space to hold the next planned washout event.
  • C. Cover the Washout if precipitation is likely. Prevent stormwater from over-filling the washout and causing a discharge of wash water.
  • D. If the washout is moved, note the new location in the project stormwater pollution prevention documents.
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